Home > Lot of stuff for free in my mail

Lot of stuff for free in my mail

July 4th, 2007 at 10:18 pm

Today's mail was a veritable treasure trove of excellent mail.

I got free product coupons for the following stuff:

* Garnier Fructus Style Product
* Free Pledge Duster Plus
* Save $10 Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Cleaner
* Scrubbing Bubbles Soap Scum Remover
* So Good Soy Milk So Trim or Chocolate

And .. a $5 cheque from Pinecone.

Can I have lots more mail days like this one please?

4 Responses to “Lot of stuff for free in my mail”

  1. Amber Says:

    You had your mail delivered today? I wish we had since I was off and would have been able to go through it

  2. yummy64 Says:

    Amber, well while we do have the 4th of July in Canada it isn't a holiday here Smile

  3. Amber Says:

    oh, I did not realize you were in canada

  4. Zehra Says:

    how did you get that for free??

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