Home > Easy Savings (written to remind me to do this)

Easy Savings (written to remind me to do this)

August 9th, 2006 at 03:01 am

In july my promotion came through finally and with it a raise.

I am writing this here so I remember to do this. Check current pay stub at work. Note amount. Check pre raise pay stub at work. Note amount.

Calculate difference in those amounts, and make sure to put that into savings every pay. This is easy savings. Didn't have this money before so might as well save it now I have it. Live on what I had, use the rest to make my future better.

Put 1/2 of this into retirement accounts. Put other 1/2 into general savings.

3 Responses to “Easy Savings (written to remind me to do this)”

  1. veronak Says:

    Happy to hear about your promotion, good to hear you setting aside the difference I have started that and it helps

  2. Bookie Says:

    Good thinking. I got a cost-of-living raise effective this month, and I'm socking it into savings as well. Actually saving a bit more, since I rounded it up. Smile

  3. ima saver Says:

    Good for you!

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