Home > Move the Pension Money?

Move the Pension Money?

September 13th, 2006 at 11:16 pm

Spoke to my boss today about my pensions from previous employers. He suggested I contact both my former employers to find out a) why they haven't sent me statement and b) to see if my pension amounts are portable. He isn't 100% sure if I'm supposed to get the statements but he thinks I am and regardless he says it makes sense that I ask.

Thinking about asking prior employers to do some work on my behalf does bring a smile to my face.

He suggested I find out if my prior pension vested amounts are portable and can be transfered into my pension plan with my current employer. That would get me a bigger benefit from here. Buying "back service" I think is the expression I have heard used when someone does this.

I have heard of doing this. Now I just have to figure out if there are any reasons I can't do this and if this makes sense for me.

It feels good to be thinking about this money but it also seems a bit scary. Time to educate myself more on the ins and outs of pension plans.

If nothing else, reading about them will ensure a few nights of good sleep!

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