Home > Spam back the Spammer - a fun way to deal with those NIgerian Scams.

Spam back the Spammer - a fun way to deal with those NIgerian Scams.

October 24th, 2006 at 12:04 am

You know the ones. You get them all the time. From the son of someone who just died. Lots of money in the estate but they handpicked YOU, a total stranger (abet a frugal and honest lookng one) to help them get the money out of the country. And as a small token of their thanks they'll let you keep a million or two.

Yeah I get them all too frequently too.

Someone must get them more than me as they created this:

Text is and Link is

I'd never respond back when the email is in my "regular" email box. Those can just get deleted. But I might send this back if I notice any in my freebee email account. That one I rarely check and if i had to close it and open another it would be no fuss.

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