Home > Couponing


November 20th, 2006 at 02:33 am

I have been really slow getting into couponing when I've been in the US. I've clipped them in the past but not really used them.

Today I did use some! Yeah!

The first act. Spent $6.14 at Eckerd for about $15.50 worth of groceries. combined a store coupon, a manufacturers coupon and a buy one get one free coupon in order to get 2 items, and got a few other items with just manufacturers coupons.

The second act was at Giant Eagle was combining sale items with a buy X get this item free coupon, and using the we double coupons under $1 to get a free toothbrush. This doubling coupons thing is new to me so that was pretty exciting (I need to get out more I know).

The third act was using a "free coffee coupon" at my favourite coffee place on the way home. A girl has got to celebrate right?

2 Responses to “Couponing”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Ii am going to get more serious with the couponing thing if it saves as much as people say it does. The DW and I have been clipping coupons but we need to get more serious!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    That comic is so funny, I've decided to print it out and put it up on my cubicle. Thanks! Big Grin

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