Home > Response from Hertz

Response from Hertz

December 8th, 2006 at 03:27 am

I got a response from Hertz. The folder they gave me for my rental car in Oct claimed that every car has satellite radio. Unfortunately the car I rented did not have that feature. I was stuck listening to some pretty boring AM radio on my trip

The pertinent part of their response:

Thank you for letting us know about the difficulties you encountered. We appreciate the opportunity to review your concerns. We sincerely apologize for the satellite verbiage on the rental record folder you received. We appreciate your bringing this matter to our attention. The management involved has been directed to investigate and determine the source of the problem so that appropriate corrective action may be taken.

I like they did reply to my specific complaint. They rate much higher than K-mart in how they responded to me.

Text is and Link is I feel much more valued as a customer.

I'm finding contacting companies interesting.

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