Home > A quick doctor visit

A quick doctor visit

December 20th, 2006 at 03:28 am

Decided at the last minute to pop in at the walk in clinic near me. I am "between doctors". Right now I don't have a GP or a Gyn and I've had a couple small medical issues.

So popped in and got my ears checked - and the wax syringed out of one and got a prescription for an arm brace. Seems I've somehow managed to get golfer's elbow. He did the test for it - told me to say something if that hurt. I screamed quite spontaneously and loudly. He got the message, LOL.

I liked how he listened to me about what I knew about my body. He believed me when I said that no I didn't need to soften the wax in my ear and he also adjusted what he was doing when I told him he had the angle wrong as he was syringing. It was nice being believed. I've had to fight with doctors about this in the past.

So,I will go back to him in January to get a full physical. The full "oil lube and filter" of physicals including stuff that you'd rather not have done but you know is important. I might officially join his practise if that goes well. I just want to make sure I'm comfortable with him.

I know this blog isn't strictly financial (no copays or deductibles here) but looking after myself is part of what I need to do for me. I want to keep my health so I can enjoy my financially secure retirement many years from now...Well hopefully not too many...

2 Responses to “A quick doctor visit”

  1. LdyFaile Says:

    Here's a frugal tip for you Smile I get what I call 'waxy buildup' in just one of my ears. After letting it get so bad that I HAD to have it syringed if I wanted to hear out of that side, a friend let me in on a great wax cleaner. 50/50 solution of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Turn head on side so ear you want to clean is on top, pour (or drop) solution into ear, stay on side for about 5 minutes (I usually go lay down on the couch after its in there), take a tissue and hold it up to your ear then turn your head the other way so it can drain. Whenever my ears start feeling clogged I do that and it takes care of it. It works great as a softener too, the last time I actually had to go to the dr for that I tried it a bunch of times and finally gave up. But if I hadn't, I would have had to make two trips to the dr to get it taken care of.

    Then again, since it seems to be a regular occurance, you probably already know about it. But I still think it's worth mentioning.

  2. yummy64 Says:

    Great tip! I've tried that in the past. And it works great for one of my ears!

    However, the ear that gets clogged is a bit unique in that something is convex where it should be concave or vice versa. A small anomaly - Stuff doesn't drain well from that ear.

    And .. cause of the Canadian medical system cost isn't a concern if it is a covered service and this luckily for me this is....

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