Home > How to save money and still buy those things you want

How to save money and still buy those things you want

April 21st, 2007 at 09:50 pm

One of the easiest ways I have found to save money is to implement the 24 hour rule on unplanned purchases that you "have" to have. This rule doesn't say you can't have them, but it says you have to wait until the next day to purchase the item.

I'm always amazed at how that stuff I had to have today, I've forgotten about by tomorrow, or realised I can easily live without. Or is just too much bother to go and get.

I love this rule because I don't feel deprived and because it stops a lot of impulse purchases. The stuff I go back for I usually end up loving and using to death.

The other nice thing about this is that you don't feel deprived of anything. It doesn't say you can't have something! You can have whatever you want that you are willing to go back for the next day.

1 Responses to “How to save money and still buy those things you want”

  1. DeniseNTexas Says:

    I use a similar rule but it's 72 hours for me and oh yeah, it works very very well. Smile

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