Home > Beware the Free Ticket

Beware the Free Ticket

April 23rd, 2007 at 12:11 pm

A friend gave me a free ticket to the Creative Sewing and Needlework festival. I went on Saturday morning and had a blast looking around.

Priced the sewing machine of my dreams. New it is about $3500. YIKES. I was good girl and didn't buy it though I have to tell you all I really really really want it.

I went there with no intention of buying. Honestly! But that wasn't to be. Some jewelery called my name, as did this gorgeous ball of hand dyed mohair in shades of pink and purple. I found some discontinued laurel burch fabric on sale as well as an adorable pattern for a small quilted purse.

So beware the free ticket. It can end up costing you.

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