creepy credit card guys at the grocery store
September 30th, 2009 at 04:46 amthe creepy little "have a free bag of cookies" if you sign up for mastercard guy at my local supermarket. A chain that William Shatner used to do ads for.
I avoided eye contact. I avoided looking in his direction. Still he entered my space and asked if I had a PC Mastercard. I muttered I'm not interested and kept moving. He followed me. Creep. Asked again if I had a card whereupon i said yes (i don't but i wanted him to f- off) Did he? no .. he instead said "oh everyone says that but mostly they are lying". Nice eh? After a short discussion when I asked him if he was trying to be rude and where he insisted he wasn't i went on with my shopping. I noticed him a few times giving me the evil eye before harrassing others.
The poor assistant manager got an earful from me when I checked out and promised to do something .. who knows.. the vent felt good.
I'm not getting another credit card .. well maybe if it came with a new car (for free) or a complete set of medium green fiesta (every shape made in that colour) in mint condition...