July 24th, 2006 at 04:15 am
Until I had a savings account I didn't want to start this challange.
Thanks to junk mail ING just mailed me an application form along with a voucher for a $13 bonus.
So I filled it out, wrote out a cheque for $100 and its going in the mail in them morning.
Therefore I officially start the $20 challenge with $113
Let the savings begin!
2006 $20 Challenge - $113
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$20 Challenge
July 24th, 2006 at 01:04 am
I have had a 35 item to do list today! I'm proud to say that of the 35 items I'm down to a mere 10 left to do! Actually I'm pretty happy about how I'm doing on this list. Vacation nights are booked, the triptiks are printed from AA and I've even clipped coupons for some fast food places - I'll make sure I have those with me.
Anyways, during some searching I found this. Honest I didn't create it
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July 23rd, 2006 at 11:07 pm
One of the grocery stores here had a deal for Stouffers Skillet Sensations. $2.99 this saturday and sunday only. These make two meals and as such are comparable to 2 lean cuisines - so I decided this was a good price and worth stocking up.
On saturday I bought 6 and today decided I want more. With crappy weather and other things to get at walmart I decided to price match. No problem. Cashier was helpful and friendly.
But I'm glad I checked my receipt. Turned out she hadn't voided one of them, so I got charged an extra 4.95. Thank goodness I checked the bill before I left the store so a quick (I use the term loosely) trip to customer service to get a refund. I got the refund but it was a bit hard going trying to explain it the the clerk.
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July 22nd, 2006 at 11:27 pm
Normally I don't buy shoes. Even if I go into a shoe store I normally walk out empty handed.
Today I bought four pairs of shoes. Ouchies! All were on sale but none were cheap - one pair of Cougar sandals, a pair of naturalizer heels, a pair of hush puppy heels and a pair of not sure who made them shoes!
OMG I'm offically getting OLD. I bought naturalizers
I'm a bit happier. The $50 for that pair of shoes wasn't a bad price compared to a few places I just saw on the web. And they are super comfie. But they better be.
The Hush puppies aren't too old lady like either
Ooh the price I paid for those is less than on the web too! I'm feeling happier now.
Posted in
July 22nd, 2006 at 03:35 pm
Last couple of shopping visits I've managed to save nicely using coupons that the supermarket has placed on items to get them to go before the best before date. 2 packages of certified angus beef both about $8 less the $5 worth of coupons on them. One steak is in the freezer the other made 3 very tasty meals.
Yesterday morning I wanted to take treats to work. We are moving our work area from one floor to the other and it seemed a good time to bring in something. I was going to buy some regular priced bakery treats when I realised all items on the markdown rack were $1 off and that most expired not that day but the day after - trust me at my office there is no chance of goodies lasting more than a few hours. I found three items I wanted on the markdown shelves although one didn't have a sticker on it. A quick walk back to the bakery counter to ask about it and quick as a wink that item too had a sticker! No fuss or anything from the clerk!
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July 20th, 2006 at 04:03 am
I sent away for the Herbal Essence sample a while back. Got the sample - cute one - nice for a weekend away. I so like the trial sizes so much more than the little annoying foil packages.
I took the coupon out of it and looked at it. Noticed this wording "Coupon void if transferred to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption"
So what do they have against coupon trains anyways? I hope this is just a snarly markting person and not a trend.
The coupon doesn't have my name or any other information that I'm aware of. So what's the big deal with trading anyways?
Posted in
July 11th, 2006 at 04:52 am
Today we ordered pizza in at the office. Seemed like a good idea since there was a thunderstorm outsidde.
I had 2 slices of pizza. Cost me $10. $8 toward the pizza and $2 for lottery tickets. No I don't quite get the lottery ticket part either - something about getting tickets as it was easier than giving change. The pizza was good but at $5 a slice hardly a deal. If I ate more I'd have been eating more for the sake of it.
And 2 weeks ago. Lunch out to say goodbye to a coworker who is leaving. I put in $20 for my lunch and my portion of her lunch. I had a BLT and coke. Hardly near $20 even with tip, tax and the lunch contribution. No change given back.
I like doing things that add to the team spirit etc. But these last two experiences have been pricy.
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July 8th, 2006 at 12:38 am
I stopped at a local drug store chain to pick up some items on sale I had coupons for - foil and some sponges/scrubby things.
Found the foil, and honestly couldn't remember if I needed it or I was buying to stock up. Never did find the scrubby things.
So I saved a bit of money and walked out of there empty handed.
I need to spend some time thinking about stocking up and how much of it really makes sense for me to do. I don't want, if something should happen, for people to find a 5 year supply of foil and toilet paper. I decent supply is one thing.
Anyways, today I didn't stock up. It wsn't a bad thing. Sales will come again and I'll be more focussed on buying because I need something and not because it is a good deal.
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July 7th, 2006 at 12:18 am
My total spending was under $2 - bread from the local "rip off" corner store. But I wasn't up to walking further to get some. And I wanted toast.
Definitely is food poisioning that I had last night. Feeling hung over but otherwise okay today. Was going to go into work but realised I wasn't up to it.Not sleeping most of the night and being ill takes it out of one. I phoned in twice (once to say I'd be in late, and once to say I'm not coming in) and got sympathy rather than anyone upset at me.
I've been putzing around doing some tidying up. Have been really taking it easy but it is surprising how doing 5 minutes here and there and picking up a few things and putting them away (or in the garbage) when I get up adds up after a few hours of doing so.
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July 6th, 2006 at 04:28 am
Dear Stupid,
Next time you cook up a huge batch of chicken, make sure you freeze part of it. Leaving in in the fridge and eating it a week and 2 days after you made it leads to nights like this one. Nights when you suffer the effects of food poisoning. This was not enjoyable and to it again voluntarily would be well, really stupid
PS. don't forget to throw the rest of the chicken out
Posted in
July 6th, 2006 at 12:26 am
I knew when they were due. I knew I would renew them online. I didn't. I procrastinated. Later, later I thought
I'm proud today to say I made a donation to the library of $9.40 cents. I'll think of it as a donation, cause had I gotten off of my duff I'd have not had to make it.
What does it say to me when one of the book's was Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover?
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July 1st, 2006 at 06:11 pm
My poor coupon holder. Left it at my BF's for a week. Had it last week and noticed its becoming HEAVY with coupons. It is actually a cheque register with labels over the months and something more useful written written as a description. I have things by cagetory, Meat, Liquid, Condiments, Bathroom Stuff, Cleaning Stuff, Starches (rice pasta bread), Sweet Stuff etc. Non traditional yes, but it works for me!
Anyways I cleaned it out today. All of the May and June coupons are now gone. Its way lighter now. Of course the 75 cents of Reynolds Foil coupons expired yesterday and the $1 each sale started today! Grumble. Always happens.
A chore done for another month! Or two...
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July 1st, 2006 at 03:39 pm
Filled up my tank twice yesterday. Did 8 hours of driving - Yikes! $40 first fill up and $29.90 for the second one - it wasn't all the way empty yet.
Yikes. Add to that about $15 for food for me to eat on the journey, and it was an expensive day.
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