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Archive for February, 2008

Amuse people - tell them about FPC's

February 29th, 2008 at 05:03 am

I regularly tell folks about FPC (free product coupons at work) Today at lunch they were teasing me about them. About how they don't always come quickly and crude jokes about cheese.

When I give them the products they love it. When they have to fill out an entire web form with their name and addy they tend not to be bothered. Too much work for the poor delicate dears.

Since the new year they've had the opportunity for free kashi granola bars, free kraft cheese and free coffee mate.

I don't get people.

Pancake Syrup Saga Pt 2

February 28th, 2008 at 03:01 am

Well, I got the kitchen cleaned out.

The pancake syrup had not gone under the crisper but into the crisper where it was making nice with the onions. After the dishes and crisper got washed the onions got washed. They are now sitting on the counter drying. I may slice them up and make super easy carmalized onions in the crock pot.

Anyways, dishes are done (in drainer to be put away in AM). Stove top is clean, counters are wiped down and cleaan. Onions are clean. Garbage including the pancake syrup, has been put down the garbage
shoot. Floor mopped. Kitchen looks decent again. Thank goodness.

Some of the disaster on the couch was taken care of and i moved the
stuff in the laundry basket and reappropriated it for clothes - so I
have a non covered floor in the bedroom. While in there I made the
bed so I will be able to crawl on in..

Moral of the story: Buy real maple syrup and not crappy pancake syrup. At least wit the real stuff the containers are better made.

Pancake Syrup Saga Pt 1

February 28th, 2008 at 02:59 am

Part 1:

Well my house is a disaster and I only have myself to blame.

Last night I was getting a new bag of milk (its a weird canadian thing milk in bags

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Realised that the outer milk bag was stuck to the fridge shelf. Then discovered a bottle of pancake syrup had tipped over and was leaking even though it was closed. Took out shelf to whip off the syrup and
managed to knock a salt shaker off the cluttered counter and break it. Washed the tray, put it back. Did not look under crisper to see if some leaked there (will tonight). Put syrup in fridge door, but did not wipe it down, so tonight I have to deal with that before more syrup spreads.

Of course I was in socks. Carefully went the long way and got broom to
broom up glass. Got most of it off the floor but floor is now sticky
anad icky and has to be mopped if just to get the last bits of glass.
The counter is full of dishes and the odds are I got syrup on the clean dishes in the drainer when I washed the fridge shelf.

My laundry basket is being used for bathroom stuff while I am painting
my bathroom. So clothes artisticly cover the bedroom floor. Yuck.

There is stuff on the couch in the living room. Has enough room to sit so I keep glowering at said stuff and doing nothing about it.

The bathroom has been emptied for painting - so far have only done the
ceiling. Haven't had the energy after work to deal with putting the first coat on the walls - it will take two coats as i'm going with cream over dark green. Have to use oil paint as my ex decided to paint
it with tremclad (why i have no idea).

The bank saga continued

February 25th, 2008 at 06:00 am

Last week I went to the bank because of a user error. This user couldn't find her card. Wasn't really worried about it having been stolen. More good old fashioned user error like misplaced.

Checked. No one had used my card. Issued a new card for me. All the paperwork gods seemed happy and appeased. They gave me $100 that they, yes, did debit from my account (hey this is a bank).

Cut to Friday. Drive up to instant bank machine. Find out my pin doesn't work. I've used the pin for along time so its not like I forgot it all of a sudden. Park, walk in bank. Go to teller they check. No uses. They reprogrammed the card for me. I weent and got my new pin. Go to take money out of chequing.

ERROR - account not hooked up? WTF .. what's the point of a debit/bank card (here we don't use visa for our debit card but rather our bank cards though a system called Interac)if its not hooked up to your bank account.

Back to tellers. Get more programming done. All fixed. They try to convince me to open a new account. I get card and say in March (neglected to mention which March .. oh dear. oh dear).

Go back to machine. It allows me to have money. Suddenly I feel like a functioning adult again.

Banks these days

February 23rd, 2008 at 01:38 am

I went to my bank for the second time in a week today. Again no line up. Weird. Twice in one week I'm either first in line for a teller or a wicket is open and they are waiting for me.

Banks are going to lose their reputation as large uncaring, unfriendly institutions if they keep this up.

Okay .. so the bank machine decided not to recognize my pin.. and then when i got that reset I found they forgot to hook up my checking account to the bank card. So there is no worry they are efficient and provide top notch service.. its just they are friendly and have less line ups.

Its a gift that comes with a gift... (a coupon type gift)

February 21st, 2008 at 03:17 am

I got a gift of LUSH stuff for Christmas - a sweet gift - and the bubble bath seemed not to upset me =-I'm scent sensitive due to migraines so It would be something I'd never by for me. Nor is it a store I'd ever go in way too stinky poo for my head however whole some the scents are (though Yankee Candle is way more torturouse.

So what's in the convenient ready packed it but the soap and bubble bath stuff and of course another gift for me a code for 15% off my next purchase.

Great marketing strategy and I admire it from a marketing perspective. .. but its sort of sad too that the gift includes an incentive for the giftee to buy stuff.

Thanks to some gift basket wins I have a nice selection of high priced "make yummy feel pretty" products.

Silly consumer ponderings

February 20th, 2008 at 03:28 am

While stabbing my knife viciously into the Parmesan cheese container on the side that doesn't have holes but is for pouring.. I pondered the question... has anyone ever used that side for pouring or you all do what I do and just to poke in a knife to break up the clumps so you don't waste any of the way too pricey pre-grated cheese?

too much information, but thanks...

February 16th, 2008 at 09:02 am

A classic example of too much information is the management of my building announcing a few minutes ago that there is no fire emergency and to stay in our apartments.

Had they kept quiet i'd have slept through it and not had to know that I didn't need to worry.

The added announcment about the blue van was just confusing (they said the fire department was going to tow it)

Pondering Cheese...

February 13th, 2008 at 05:59 pm

Haven't heard from that company again about the nasty cheese they sold me.

The rep came over to get it all the while being quite distainful that I called the company and didnt' bring it back to the store...

Hmm. I'll give it til Monday to follow up.

Want to own some real estate

February 13th, 2008 at 04:20 am

This house, located in the City of Toronto Canada is believed to be Toronto's smallest house.

Occupying what used to be a driveway,
it's a one-bedroom, one-bathroom house
that sits on a parcel of land 7.25 feet (2.2 metres) wide and 113.67 feet (34.6 metres) long and has an interior area of just under 300 square feet (under 28 square metres).

The asking price is $179,900.!!

Here are the house's listed features:

a.. 'Completely Re-Done Top-To-Bottom, Front-To-Back!'
b.. Tumbled stone entrance walk
c.. Renovated Bath
d.. Renovated kitchen with newer stove, new cabinets and new stacked washer/dryer
e.. Bedroom with Murphy bed + 'Built-Ins' - doubles as den!
f.. Walk-out to fenced patio
g.. 100-amp service
h.. 2 satellite dishes and receiver
i.. 'Window A/C Available'

Not a joke

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