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What comes around...

June 11th, 2006 at 05:48 am

I did another RAOK today.

In the last few days three coupon trains returned home after journeying across the country. Of course there were some great baby coupons in them - as well as some coupons that I actually can use. Baby coupons aren't something high on my need list.

I pulled out all the baby coupons ncluding some B1G1 coupons and a $5 off diapers one expiring at the end of June). Went into the wishlists on my coupon groups and found someone who had baby stuff listed as a want. I popped the coupons in an envelope, put in a post-it and said "have fun savings" The envelope actually did get mailed out today!. No name, no return address, just the coupons. I wish I could see her face when she gets some unexpected good mail!

The what goes around part of this post is that two people contacte me today - one telling me she's sending me coupons on my wishlist and other saying she has the a coupon insert I don't get and asking me if I want any coupons from them (I have to find out what was in that insert before I can answer her).

I'm just feeling blessed all around. Its nice having people think of you and its nice doing things for other people.

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