Home > Quilty Low Spend Weekend!

Quilty Low Spend Weekend!

June 19th, 2006 at 01:43 pm

I had a good weekend!

Saturday we visited a small local museum that as holding a quilt exhibit. Very nice work. I took a ton of pictures. I'll find some place to host them on the web and post a link for any quilt fans. They also had a lady there showing off old fashioned rug hooking. For the sake of my wallet (and the clutter factor) I refused to pay too much attention. New crafty hobbies are not a good idea when I already have so many!

After the quilt show we went to a quilt store. I have wanted to make a bag for quite some time. I found a great pattern and some material. They had a store sample made in the nicest material that I'd have bought but they didn't have it in stock. They told me the name of the fabric but to be honest I don't think they told me the right name. I googled it a few times to no success (I did find material named that by that designer but it looked significantly different). Very annoying. I did buy the pattern and some of another material. Kept my spending under $20. I was proud of me!

That was it for me for the weekend! 2 Quilt related actities and less than $20 spent WOO HOO.

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