Home > Coupon Organization (what's working for me and what's not)

Coupon Organization (what's working for me and what's not)

August 23rd, 2006 at 02:52 pm

I was asked how I organize coupons.

While I have a method, its not working very well for me right now, hence feeling out of control and having too many coupons.

Coupons for trading are kept in envelopes (business sized) in a plasic "shoe box". The envelopes are in categories that work for me; sweets and baking stuff (think dessert), protien, dairy, cheese (i separate out cheese), soy (for veggie/vegan stuff), bathroom stuff, cleaners, pasta/rice/bread(the starches).

The envelopes don't work very well because they are paper. They tear and rip and are hard to handle. I haven't figured out something of about the same size to replace them. Wondering about file folders cut down to size but haven't got that far, and not sure if this is the right way to go.

Coupons I might use are kept in a smaller check register that fits into my way to big purse. I use the same categories here. This container too needs a good clean out. I've been away so much this summer that coupons are just piling up all over the place.

My problem is I keep too many coupons for trading and for trains I am on. I need to curtail that. Less is more. My current step is to weed out my collection and get rid of expired and soon to be expiring. While doing that I'm limiting duplciates to a maximum of 12.

Someone commmented on my blog about how they organize coupons in a photo album I think it is. I am going to ask more information about that. Maybe my method could use a change. I'm not sure. I think the weeding out and pruning still needs to be done though.

Oh and add to this my US coupon stash. Though I'm planning on getting that to someone who can use them (I haven't forgotten, life has just got me), other than the few that I might be able to use.

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