First for the good stuff today.
-Limited spending out to one cup of coffee.
-Worked on my paper challenge (more than 20 pieces of paper tossed and 10 filed
-Came to a decision to keep no more than about 12 identical coupons. My coupon collection is overflowing and giving me fits. I can't find coupons I'm looking for, so weeding it down is the only sensible way to go. Coupons are part of my paper problem. This needs to be solved going forward.
-Am set up for another no unplanned spending day tomorrow with the proviso that if i buy a coffee it is not cheating - some days I just need a second cup.
The not so good stuff
- too ditzy to bake today. The cold must be affecting some of my brain cells. Made something that would have been bran muffins had I followed the recipe. Too bad I didn't do that.
-Had a short temper today and let things get to me. Low blood sugar didn't help - I was really hungry by supper time - likely too hungry.
Oh reading this, the good definitely outweighted the bad.
Shouldn't have tried to bake tuesday
August 23rd, 2006 at 04:12 am
August 23rd, 2006 at 05:00 am 1156305617
August 23rd, 2006 at 01:12 pm 1156335164
I don't have as many multiples as you do, so that's not an issue. What I'm doing right now is weeding out the lowest value ones. (Kind of like when I cut down on bookselling through Amazon. Now I only list books worth at least $5, so I'm not always running to the PO.)