Home > Wow Actually accomplished stuff today

Wow Actually accomplished stuff today

August 25th, 2006 at 03:11 am

Today was one hell of a day at work. Tomorrow should be just as fun. *Sigh* It might even be more fun as I now have computer issues thanks to needing files that are too large for the programs I use to handle. Being an underwriter is no glamorous - yeah right!.

Oh well, the highlights of today:

-limited spending to breakfast $2.62
-a coworker brought me a coffee so I didn't have to pay for that
- another coworker picked up some nayonaise (vegan mayonaisse) for me at Whole Foods saving me a trip there
-got two antiprocrastition tasks done - no not all of them, but two of them are off of the list
-filed my 10 items
-threw out well over 20 items
-got my american coupons organized (Woo hoo) and can send them on to pastures where they may be used and appreciated
-found a bag of clutter in the kitchen from a car clean out. Got rid of it - tossed, filed, going to goodwill etc
-got a bag of stuff ready for goodwill
-dishes done, counters and stove wiped down.
-lunch is ready for tomorrow. Not sure if i'll make breakfast or buy it out. I'm going to try to make it to save the $2.62

I'm finally unwinding too. A stressful day works me up and makes it hard for me to sleep

1 Responses to “Wow Actually accomplished stuff today”

  1. annab Says:

    Yay! You rock!

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