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All set to spend money and...

September 3rd, 2006 at 07:43 pm

..the darn store changed the pattern.

Went to the "continually has an inventory blow out sale" kitchen stuff store all prepared to buy a new set of china - an everyday set. I wanted the ones that match my mugs. I had bought mugs in 4 different colours at this chain earlier in the year - navy, green, red and yellow/gold. They had a pieces in each colour and mixing the four colours then.

But they have discontinued the navy blue and replaced it with the rather nice mid greyish blue. But the plate that has the 4 colours combined still has the navy blue place settting. Therefore they really haven't replaced it properly.

Okay so this is low on the list of natural disasters. Yeah, so its not even on the list. But it was enough to throw me for a loup. Then I started looking. I think the green is a different shade and they have two styles of plates and a new style of mugs too.

I know this isn't true open stock. But I wanted to get the 4-colour plates which went with my cups and then some solids too. Hard to do when you can't mix and match like you wanted to.

I may still go back and buy (I did replace the mug I had broken with the same style in the same colour) but I'm not quite sure what I want to do.

I may check the superduper sells everything but the kitchen sink (and may sell that too) Superstore grocery store and see what they have.

But today I limited my spending there to less than $4.

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