Home > Showering with the old Meezer

Showering with the old Meezer

September 4th, 2006 at 04:45 pm

And ole and frugal meezer, he decided that two can shower as cheaply as one!

I'm merrily having my shower this morning - doing my weekly body polish routine and I look down and low and behold Mao has joined me for my shower. This isn't the first time he's decided that he wants to shower. The water doesn't bother him at all. He just merrily stands there licking at the water droplets in the tub. I'm not sure if he even notices the water at all. I'm the one who gets worried - I like a hot shower - that he'll be scalded or something. So wasn't long before I picked him up and removed him from the shower.

After I finished my shower he went back into the tub.

Afterwards he enjoyed being blown blow dry. I assume that a cat who doesn't enjoy it woudn't sit still for it - I wasn't holding him down or restraining him from leaving in any way.

1 Responses to “Showering with the old Meezer”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    How sweet!

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