Home > Cleaning and Paper Towel

Cleaning and Paper Towel

October 2nd, 2006 at 02:10 am

Those were my two expenses "du jour".

One of my extravagances is that I pay someone to clean my house. Yes I could do it myself but I choose not to. Being careful with money allows me this luxury. Today I spent for 2 cleaning sessions - this one and the one in two weeks.

I also loaded up on paper towel. The drug store was having a one day sale of 8 rolls for $1.99 - maximum 4 packages (32 rolls). Even though this is the cheap stuff the price is amazing and its worth using two sheets of this to one of the premium brand sheets. I'd have gone back for more but its bulky stuff to store and I'm in an apartment.

Oh and the cat is doing well. He's eating up a storm. He loves the new food. Still having problems with him not using the litter box but hopefully as the meds kick in and he gets stronger that will settle down.

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