Home > You are the victim of RAOK

You are the victim of RAOK

October 6th, 2006 at 07:23 am

On one of the board's I'm on someone was looking for a copy of a magazine. For some reason the publisher decided to send me two copies of issue of that magazine. Of course I still had both copies when I saw the post. So when she was looking for the issue, it felt right to offer to mail one of my copies to her.

I did, and was offered reimbursement of the mailing expenses- as I expected to be.

Right now I really don't care about getting postage repaid or more coupons. I did expect the offer however deciding to take her up on it is another thing altogether. So I sent her a note telling her to consider herself the victim of a RAOK.

Damn that feels good. To help someone out. Sure it isn't the most frugal thing it the world to do but what is frugal for my pocketbook isn't good for my spirit. Spirits need to give in order to experience the joy of helping others.

My spirit feels good right now. This makes me feel closer to my mother, as her spirit was one that valued giving rather than getting.

3 Responses to “You are the victim of RAOK”

  1. moneycents Says:

    That is really sweet!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I love doing is good for the soul. Just think how nice the world would be if everyone did even JUST ONE each day!

    Good for you for making someone else's day. Your story brought a smile to mine!

  3. JanH Says:

    I think you've hit on an important point. Our spirit needs the nourishment of giving to others.

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