Home > Wardrobe Crisis.

Wardrobe Crisis.

October 24th, 2006 at 02:36 pm

I'm frustrated today.

First pair of pantihose (actually tights) developed a run when I put them on. These cost about $12 a pair so I'm looking at having that expense this weekend. Second pair went on okay but didn't feel comfie. Third time was a charm though.

I'm up 20lbs from last winter. So I hate my wardrobe and nothing fits right. Been trying clothes on but basically doing a great imitation of a goodyear blimp. So haven't been buying much. But I need clothes - and shoes too for the winter now I think about it. My last shoe spree was on open toed shoes and sandals. Not an option in Canada in the winter.

I've been thinking I really need a new look and to learn how to find things that flatter me. I found this website and I'm tempted to join to see if I can pick up any pointers - but that costs money. But buying stuff that turns into "closet clutter" costs money too. I've never been a fashion bug but I want to move from frumpy to "nicely put together". It would be nice to be fashionable too, but really I'm trying to avoid the middle aged dowdy look.

7 Responses to “Wardrobe Crisis.”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    sorry you're frustrated, yummy. amazing how something like clothes do that to a lot of us!

    when i'm trying to find something flattering, i 'shop' in a better store, meaning i go around and try a bunch of things on. better stores usually have better lighting and more room in the dressing rooms to see from all angles. find a piece that is pretty generic (i.e. black a-line skirt) bring a measuring tape and measure the seams and waistlines of items that fit really well, and take those measurements to a place you actually want to buy stuff from.

    good luck!

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    By all means we want to avoid the MATRON look, don't we?

    Hope you find something FAB.U.LOUS while out shopping!!

  3. yummy64 Says:

    Matron brings up thoughts of cafeteria lunch ladies - so yeah, not the look I'm going for.

  4. StressLess Says:

    I'm in the same boat. Feeling fat and frumpy. I did a lot of shopping over the weekend and at least came up with a nice coat on sale. I have to second what someone posted a couple of days ago--good sales going on at Kohl's. Do you have them in Canada? The same blouse I saw there on sale for $24 was on sale at Boscov's (NE US regional chain) for $30. Today's the last day for earning $10 bonus bucks for spending $50 (for charge holders.) I didn't find a coat there, but I plan on running back for a couple of tops for work. I look forward to checking out that website you mentioned.

  5. yummy64 Says:

    No Kohls or Boscovs in Canada - but both chains are in Pittsburgh where I'm going at the beginning of November. My boyfriend LOVES shopping (LMAO), but I might drag him anyways. Do they both have good sized "Plus" sections.

    I found my last coat at Burlington Coat Factory in the US - I thought they had a nice selection and good prices - you might want to check them out if you haven't already for a coat.

  6. rduell Says:

    Just wanted to sympathize with you on the weight gain. Read my blog and you'll see you're not alone!

  7. Carolina Bound Says:

    I've found watching "What Not to Wear" on TLC is helpful, especially if they feature someone with your own figure type. Just don't buy into the idea that flattering clothes have to be expensive -- look at the cuts, lengths, colors, textures they choose. Then go for your own price range.

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