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Too much work... A long day

November 3rd, 2006 at 03:40 am

Today was a really long day at work. I made some progress yes, but at 8:30 tonight, while still at work I had to concede that I had to cancel my plans for this weekend.

I had planned to see my boyfriend, but I will instead have to work late tomorrow night, be in early on Monday and likely have to take some work home or go in (or stay most of friday evening - which is likely the best alternative now I think about it.

The good news. - Only spending today was on a coffee (and the lottery pool I'm in but that is planned spending). No darn way I want to be the only person left at the office if they win the lottery.

3 Responses to “Too much work... A long day”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    yummy, it sounds like you deserve an at-home spa and coffee shop this weekend!

  2. yummy64 Says:

    Tina, you think like my boyfriend. He made me promise to do stuff for myself this weekend. So I've promised him I'll get a pedicure and eat at least one meal out and yanno, I think I'd be nuts not to. He knows how stressed I am. When we talked tonight he made me make a list - I'm not feeling like doing another entry tonight so I'll post it tomorrow. He's so sweet.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Funny comic!

    Sorry to hear about not seeing your boyfriend on the weekends. It's good to see that he's thinking of you. Smile

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