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How reading blogs helps me.

November 15th, 2006 at 06:15 pm

This morning I was musing about the blogs I read and what I get from the blogs I read. I get something from blogs that I have never got from articles on finance.

Articles on finance go on (and on) about the theoretical perfect way to do things. They are full of rules and methodologies. But to me it all comes across as academic. The theory works for me but I can't, just cause I read the article put it into place.

Blogs are full of people's real life experiences about what they are doing. About how they work with all the rules and methods in a real life setting. They talk about how things actually work on a practical level, and more importantly, how they cope when life happens. It is so easy to get on the bandwagon, but in reading people's blogs you learn how to get back on it.

So thank you all. You are all helping me in my path towards implementing the things I know I need to be implementing.

4 Responses to “How reading blogs helps me.”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Reality is the best teacher and the reality here is as real as it gets!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Well said! You know, that's exactly why I like reading the blogs and the forums so much as well. It's one thing to read about the merit of saving, but it's another when you hear about how much they're saving and why it's important to them. Smile

  3. janH Says:

    Maybe that's why I just now am able to find out what works for me. "Listening" to what works in real life situations, not just what works on paper or for those who already "got it." I needed to see what steps others are taking to get there. Yay! for Saving Advice.
    Also, kudos for how well you nailed it!

  4. rduell Says:

    This is so true for me also. The first thing I do every morning after exercising is to sit down with my coffee and read the forum and then the blogs. It used to be my fitness forum that I'd read, but now that I've found a savings forum I guess my loyalties have shifted....

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