Home > Free Stuff - got one, gave some

Free Stuff - got one, gave some

November 16th, 2006 at 04:06 am

I gave away 4 of the 5 Schick Intuition Razors that I said I would give away (the other one got given away yesterday. I made one person very happy yesterday and 4 people very happy today. I'm glad I was generous with them and didn't keep them all so I had free refills. The warm fuzzies I got were worth more than the refills.

The mail brought me the Sonicare e5500 toothbrush that I signed up for as part of a Bzz Blast. I agree to fill out a couple of surveys and they give me this really rockin' toothbrush. Of course I did a quick search online - this retails for $88.99 at in the US. The cheapest Canadian price I saw was just under a $120, though $169 was mentioned as the regular price here. I'm blown away at the cost of the freebee. I hope it ends up being a great product!

A rant about the extra cost when buying in Canada is likely to be forthcoming at some point. I'm mellow about that right now as I'm heading to the US tomorrow for an extra long weekend so I'm able to take advantage of shopping opportunities (gotta love PA with no sales tax on clothes).

3 Responses to “Free Stuff - got one, gave some”

  1. janH Says:

    I absolutely love warm fuzzies! And, WOW, what a freebie!

  2. paigu Says:

    Battery-op. spin brushes are bizzarely expensive; in drugstores, they're sometimes locked up in behind the counter with other electronic stuff (razors, cameras). Forget robbing the TV, the expensive stuff is in the bathrooms!
    Were you refering to Eloan when you did your search? I hope it wasn't epinions (too much "e-####" websites) or else I'm on a bad streak.

  3. yummy64 Says:

    paigu: I did a quick search on eloan for corporate info based on problems I was reading bout them, but not on epinions. Will avoid the former and check out the later Smile

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