Home > %$#^ Gas Prices

%$#^ Gas Prices

December 5th, 2006 at 09:56 pm

What is it with gas prices?

Every day in the am gas is about $0.88 to $0.90 a litre.

Every day coming home from work gas is around $0.80 to $0.85 cents.

It makes me feel like starting one of those "boycott gas" emails... you know the ones.. Let's not buy gas on Nov 15th.. (picked a day in the past on purpose so not to start one with this rant". I'd of course modify it to don't buy gas before noon. If it is too early to have a drink, its too early to buy gas...

Shouldn't really be complaining too loudly - I bought gas last night *gives self a gold star*. The price on the sign was $0.84 but the price on the pump was $0.82 Woo Hoo!

1 Responses to “%$#^ Gas Prices”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    Sounds really cheap to me! Guess a liter is a lot less than a gallon. :-)

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