Home > Savings Tip - Just add Water

Savings Tip - Just add Water

December 5th, 2006 at 01:44 am

Was at the grocery store tonight to pick up a couple of things and looked around and realized how many beverages people buy. Flavoured water is big business - be that drinking boxes, pop/coke, juice, milk, coffee or tea from your favourite local coffee house etc...

Want to save money. Drink water or add your own flavouring to water (drink crystals, tea, make pot of coffee at home etc).

Even milk - if budget is important buy powdered milk and make it up yourself. You can get a bag of apples or oranges for what you can pay for a carton of apple or orange juice.

Or realise when you buy the convenient mixed for you products that you are paying for ease and convenience.

3 Responses to “Savings Tip - Just add Water”

  1. paigu Says:

    Don't forget the energy drink craze- nothing more than sugar water. Glad you see through the hype.

  2. jersey jen Says:

    energy drinks are more like caffeinated water, could be with or without sugar . . .

  3. miclason Says:

    I'm glad that in El Salvador "fresco" (your choice of fruit + water + sugar: you choose the proportion) is still way cheaper than soda!

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