Home > Security Guards Everywhere

Security Guards Everywhere

December 11th, 2006 at 03:17 am

What is it with security guards?

The grocery store I go to (best categorized as a wannabe walmart superstore) has security out the ying yang. Most of it is bored young teens who look like they are hoping to patrol the edge of the shopping centre so they can sneak in a smoke break. The store, of course, also has the obligatory older dude in the white neon with the flashing orange light patrolling the parking lot by car.

Then I head to the drug store where there are a couple of security guards checking out the patrons. Can you imagine the service they likely do us all by communicating quickly with each other "middle aged woman in aisle 5 just put some chocolate, advil and playtex tampons in her cart.. make sure they open another cash STAT"?

The other day when I was at the liquor store I noticed that they had the serious security there. Off duty cops working extra hours to do security. Now those were a couple of the city's finest and they more than did justice to their uniforms *fan self*. Never mind in comparison to me they were babies - Part of shopping is checking out the merchandise - one can enjoy looking Smile

Seriously, what is with all the need for security. Or am I one of the few last honest shoppers out there? I mean worst I have done is park in the expectant mother parking when I dash in 10 minutes before the store closes or put 9 items (2 identical) through the 8 items or less cash.

6 Responses to “Security Guards Everywhere”

  1. janH Says:

    After hearing about security problems in her store when my DD worked in a mall, I can understand some of the security increase. You wouldn't believe how ingenious some people are! Or how bold. It is a sad sign of the times, isn't it?

  2. yummy64 Says:

    A really sad sign of the times, that is for sure. That is what the police told me when I asked how come they were hanging out there. He said that people were just too creative when it came to ensuring they got the full 10 finger discount.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I hope that part of their job is protecting the patrons from wrongdoers looking for weary, distracted shoppers.

    It is unfortunate that there are so many shoplifters out there....they make the rest of us pay higher prices...and having worked with our local merchant security folks...I can attest that the shoplifters are brazen, creative and out to steal at any cost.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yeah, it's usually just a select few that causes all the shoplifting problems, and without security, the shoplifting would have worsened. Another point of view is to consider how much the stores have lost to justify having security in the first place!

  5. fern Says:

    I would be happy to see increased security, given the shoplistings and worse we've all been hearing about.

  6. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Security is there to help prevent shop lifting as well as to prevent you the customer from being accosted by a miscreant. Trust me when I tell you that the miscreants are out in force during the holiday season!Wink

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