Home > Work is getting me down

Work is getting me down

December 15th, 2006 at 01:44 am

Changes in how the senior management in our department want things to run are really getting me down.

Taking responsibility is being removed from our jobs. Yes we are being made to meet deadlines and the like but we are more and more just supposed to do our little part of the job - where before each of us would take ownership of a project and run with it and be responsible for the outcome).

We are being made to be cogs in the machine. We aren't supposed to bring our knowledge of the industry to the table; we are just supposed to run the numbers (of course when we do that we were supposed to have brought our other knowledge to the table..) Sigh...

Our managers are being told they can't organize such as to maximize the use of our talents. We all can do the same basic job but we all bring different strengths to the table.

I wish I was one of those people who didn't care and would just go with the flow. I wish I wasn't afraid to work hard and would be happy to coast. It is a hell of a lot easier being a cog than caring.

The good news is that I'm off in a week for two weeks. Absence won't make it go away but it will be nice to be away for a while and not have to watch the demotivation of an entire department of people.

2 Responses to “Work is getting me down”

  1. baselle Says:

    I feel for you. This is one more situation where the emergency fund is the security blanket. You have options and be the grit in the gears.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Wow! I just heard this identical rant from my DH when he got home from work tonight! You are not alone!

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