Home > First Freebie of the Year

First Freebie of the Year

January 1st, 2007 at 09:41 pm

Yup, I've already had one freebee this year.

Sheetz, a local gas station had free coffee on New Years eve and New Years Day! As I love their house blend I went and got a free coffee when were out around lunch time!

Thanks to the free coffee (we'd have stopped there and I'd have bought one) - I started the year by saving $0.99 Smile

It all adds up!

2 Responses to “First Freebie of the Year”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Way to go! Heck of a great way to start the New Year! Happy New Yearand best wishes for 2007!Smile

  2. paigu Says:

    Sounds like a good start to the new year. Happy 2007!

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