Home > Cashier said the grocery store was dead today

Cashier said the grocery store was dead today

February 4th, 2007 at 03:17 am

Strangely I just found it annoying:

Enough carts in the parking lot to serve the needs of most small cities. I had to carefully drive around them. More than one person would have had to move carts to get out of their parking space...

At least three children steering carts around in the store totally oblivious to everyone else and getting in the way of everyone else.

Shelves that looked like they were last faced sometime in the 90's. Many were very empty. Looked like no one had been working there for a while..

At least one small child running around that should have been in the baby seat in a the cart or in a stroller. One nearly backed into my cart - why she was wandering around and backing up I have no idea. Thank goodness her parent grabbed her before she crashed into me (yes I was going slowly and even stopped at the time - she was oblivious to everyone around her)

The lady in the cash in front of me who was running back and forth to pick up one more thing while she was cashing out.

Yeah the store was dead. But as far as I could tell it had more to do with the state of the staff than the number of patrons.

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