I seemed to do a bit better today. Still second guessing myself and stuff but nothing like yesterday.
Kept my spending to $1.40 for a decaf coffee this afternoon.
The big hightlight of the day is that a junior in my office has been assigned to help me with a project. We work together a lot and know each others strengths and weaknesses. My strength is that I am very good at my job. My weakness is that I'm lousy at filing. As such I had about 2 years of filing scattered throughout my office (mixed in with other stuff that needed to be filed). Pretty much a disasater.
Well he took me in hand today and things are now organized and in files - at least on that project. Woo hoo! I did have a desk under all of that!
A better day today
February 8th, 2007 at 01:54 am
February 8th, 2007 at 04:18 am 1170908329