February 4th, 2007 at 08:01 pm
Once again its the weekend and I'm cooking up a storm.
This week I'm making
Singapore Pork and Peppers (double batch)
Crustless Leek and Spinach Quiche
French Canadian Pea Soup
Turkey "sausage" patties
I think I'm going to also make a casserole dish too - just not quite sure what. I want something different and diet smart that I have the ingredients for - just not quite sure exactly what that is yet! I have the extra lean ground beef defrosting so I'll figure it out soon!
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Cheap Eats
February 4th, 2007 at 03:17 am
Strangely I just found it annoying:
Enough carts in the parking lot to serve the needs of most small cities. I had to carefully drive around them. More than one person would have had to move carts to get out of their parking space...
At least three children steering carts around in the store totally oblivious to everyone else and getting in the way of everyone else.
Shelves that looked like they were last faced sometime in the 90's. Many were very empty. Looked like no one had been working there for a while..
At least one small child running around that should have been in the baby seat in a the cart or in a stroller. One nearly backed into my cart - why she was wandering around and backing up I have no idea. Thank goodness her parent grabbed her before she crashed into me (yes I was going slowly and even stopped at the time - she was oblivious to everyone around her)
The lady in the cash in front of me who was running back and forth to pick up one more thing while she was cashing out.
Yeah the store was dead. But as far as I could tell it had more to do with the state of the staff than the number of patrons.
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February 3rd, 2007 at 05:28 am
Cook so I don't end up eating out next week.
Get tax stuff organized
Deposit some cheques - extra money that will go into my emergency fund and be $20 challenge money as it is all money I used to just dump in my chequing and not keep track of
Send out a coupon train (not mine but one to move down to the next station)
Nothing to onerous - just have to get off my *tush* and do it 
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February 3rd, 2007 at 02:24 am
I'm so tired today. Was a long week with some sad news and fighting off all of the bugs that are going around.
I took a friend out to dinner and did my laundry tonight (and the laundry room wasn't too busy woo hoo - and the dryers worked!!!)
A nice relaxing weekend with some cooking ahead is on the agenda!
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February 2nd, 2007 at 12:41 am
We gave the gift to your teacher after our mid-class break. She was very surprised and touched by the gift. The teddy bear was a real hit - I'm glad I added that as a last minute thing. She really likes the Aveeno products we got her as they are very mild and moisturizing.
And on a nice financial note - one of my coworkers collected $7 from each of the people in our department who she has taught and gave me that money. Woo hooo! Other than my time and my contribution this wasn't as unfrugal as it felt last night when I forked out the entire amount for the gift.
I'm glad I'm learning the lesson of being both frugal and giving. There are times when one has to be frugal to get through life - but once certain issues (debt, earning enough income) are addressed then once has to balance the monetary and the spiritual.
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