Home > CVS Deals how do those extra care bucks work anyways

CVS Deals how do those extra care bucks work anyways

March 11th, 2007 at 12:12 am

Today was the first time I did any of the CVS deals that get you extra care dollars. Was surprised not to even see a note about them on the receipt. Only note was that I get $2.50 off my next sleep aid. I'm using those these days to sleep so likely will use that in the next few days.

Bought 2 Excedrin products - the two of them came to *just* $20 but hopefully I'll get the extra care bucks for $20. Also bought Aleve that was supposed to get me another $1 in Extra care bucks.

In next weeks flyer they mention that buying 2 intuition cartridges gets you $10 extra care bucks. I use intuition so that seems a good deal (though dang it those are expensive, at least I have one $2 off coupon).

If life is really good maybe I can use the extra care bucks I hopefully got today on monday to purchase the intuition and get more extra care bucks..

6 Responses to “CVS Deals how do those extra care bucks work anyways”

  1. JanH Says:

    Good question. I've wondered that, too. I would like to know how they work.

  2. daylily Says:

    Hi. Head on over to HotCouponWorld and go into the section for CVS. You will find everything you need to know about CVS there.
    I think there is a section called FAQ's or CVS for newbies or something like that.

  3. daylily Says:

    One other thing.... you did get a CVS card right?

  4. yummy64 Says:

    Yup, that part I did do, LOL

  5. littlemama Says:

    Your extra bucks will print 2 days after qualifying purchase (after you purchase something). Yes, then use those extra bucks on another extra buck purchase. Watch those expiration dates tho. I believe they are only good for 2 or 3 wks.

  6. daylily Says:

    You can print them from your computer also. It saves you from having to make a small purchase in order to get the ECBs.

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