Home > Out of the Employee directory

Out of the Employee directory

April 13th, 2007 at 12:48 am

I managed to get upgraded to having phone with call display - this is a big deal in a large company. Puts me now up to date with technology 10 years behind the times.

So, in response to that somehow I got removed from the employee directory. My boss knows nothing of it. I told him (it was a incredibly busy stressful day) that if I was being fired I'd be very happy to leave my work undone on my desk and leave. He wasn't going for that...

Dang, it was one of those days where it didn't look like too bad of an idea...

1 Responses to “Out of the Employee directory”

  1. Amber Says:

    hope tomorrow is not o tressful and glad you were able to hve your phone up graded

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