Home > frugal vs non frugal

frugal vs non frugal

April 15th, 2007 at 04:32 pm

Frugal: Buying a bottle of wine at the resort because you can keep it over the weekend and finish it the next night at dinner - you save buy buying it by the bottle and not by the glass

Not Frugal: Drinking it all that night anyways because you are having such a good time!

It is a very drinkable and "light" chardonnay - not exceptional but tasty. I always enjoy this. I think it is about a 1 so not overly dry.

2 Responses to “frugal vs non frugal”

  1. pjmama Says:

    hehe. I'm much more of a pinot gregio fan Smile But I know how that goes...

  2. ifeel100 Says:

    Im always a chardonnay wine fans... hehe

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