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Doctor Rant, Shopping, Supper and Leftovers

July 10th, 2007 at 12:59 pm

Went to the urologist. The man was fixated on my weight. Yeah I know I need to lose weight. But please, before you lecture me on needing to lose weight please tell me more about your concern and how it relates to the scope that you are going to do on me. Just telling me I have to lose weight with *that* look on your face makes me want to seek comfort in a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

The good news is that I'm now booked for the scope at the local hospital in early September. A long time by US standards but not too bad - and really there is no rush for this anyways - just something I want taken care of.

After the doctor I went to the grocery store and focussed on doing a a shopping including lots of fruits and veggies. I bought a number of convenience foods and the bill shot up to $50. Yikes.

However I made a great meal of tortellini in vodka sauce, salad and fruit salad for dessert. A friend came over for dinner and we enjoyed a leisurely meal and chat on my balcony. It was a really nice night. Bonus news - 5 meals of leftovers from the bag of tortellini - Woo hoo!

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