Home > fiesta fiesta and some kitchen kraft

fiesta fiesta and some kitchen kraft

October 22nd, 2008 at 03:37 am

One of the fun parts about being careful with my money is being able to enjoy things I really like.

Here are some of my new fiesta pieces.Thift stores, and antique stores are where I found these beauties

And here are some more treasures

Who says you can't mix old and new, antique and vintage.

3 Responses to “fiesta fiesta and some kitchen kraft”

  1. scfr Says:


    I have always thought Fiestaware is so pretty. My dishes are basic white, but I have always thought that if I ever decided to get a 2nd set it would be Fiesta, for the very reasons you mentioned ... it can be collected one piece at a time, and not matching is part of the charm (plus it could be used with my basic white, to add some color).

  2. my english castle Says:

    We have new Fiesta and I have a kind of big stock of old Fiesta.
    I love it too--that sugar bowl! That purple plate!

  3. mom-from-missouri Says:

    I love it!! I have collected it for several years, and so did my husband and his first wife (since deceased), so we have quite a few peices. But, I am always looking for new (old) ones to add to our collection.

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