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request for help (ie online votes, please skip if not interested)

November 19th, 2009 at 01:03 am

I'm volunteering with a cat rescue group that is trying to get a grant from an insurance company (finally an insurance company giving away money). Its one of those insane get folks to vote deals... Pain in the butt and leads to posts like this one.

If you can vote (daily or once, all help is appreciated), it would be very much appreciated.

Text is and Link is

A picture of two of my foster kitties

2 Responses to “request for help (ie online votes, please skip if not interested)”

  1. fern Says:

    I voted, although I disagree with the main premise of Trap, Neuter and Return. Some feral cats can adjust happily to domestic life with humans if they are worked with and socialized, particularly if htey are still young. My 2 cats, who I've written about extensively on my blog, were both feral.

    The outside world is a dangerous place for cats and I would much prefer to see them indoors.

  2. yvonne Says:


    Actually the group, whenever possible does work with socializing cats whenever possible so they do not have to return to the street. However not all are going to make housepets.

    Currently I have three foster cats we are looking for homes for. One was a two year old cat who was found sick and abandoned. She was nursed back to health and has been with me a few months. She's come a long way from where she was and now is a happy indoor cat. I also have two kittens who were found on the street at about 7 weeks of age (no mom present) - they were definitely feral. I've been working with them the last month and the feralness is leaving them.

    The trapped cats are assessed and any that we think will adapt to indoor life are given a chance. The main cost is in the neutering and any adult cat adopted from us will be neutered/spayed - that's where the real cost is. The rest is done by volunteers.

    I hope that makes you feel a bit better about things. Thank you so much for your vote.


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