Home > Response from Kmart

Response from Kmart

November 22nd, 2006 at 05:03 pm

I wrote this post about my experience at Kmart a few days ago.

Text is and Link is

As I said I would, I forwarded it to Kmart's contact us email. I got this response from Sears, with the email title "Outbound" today.

Dear Customer:

Thank you for contacting this office and sharing your feedback. We have noted your comments, and will share them with the interested parties for proper consideration. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

Please be assured that we value your comments and suggestions. By sharing your feedback with us, you have made it possible for us to address the issues. Further, your forthright comments will enable Sears to achieve excellence in everything we do.

We value your relationship with Kmart, and hope that you will continue to make Sears Holdings Corporation your choice for quality and value.

National Customer Relations
Sears Holdings Corporation

Words can not adquately express just how loved and cherished as a customer this response makes me feel.

Anyone confused why Sears and Kmart have a decreasing market share?

3 Responses to “Response from Kmart”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    OMG! K-mart put me over the top one day years ago. I stood in the only line they had open for 45 minutes with my three year old. When I finally got to the front of the line, they had already openned another register, so my cashier put up her closed sign and started to just leave. After standing in that bleep'n line for 45 minutes, they were not planning to make any provision other than have me go to the back of the other line! This is the only time I have gotten angry in a store and I just started cussing and fuming. (I didn't know that kind of reaction was even in me!) There were other people in line behind me, too. A manager came over and took me to the register in their jewelry department to ring up my purchase. I don't know what happened to other other folks who had been in line behind me. Customer service? No way.

    An aside: Didn't K-mart lose a lawsuit for ripping off their soon-to-retire employees of their pensions? That would be very disturbing. Company policy to screw people is dispicable.

  2. Amber Says:

    Yep I had a problem as well the item was mismarked by their associate not on one but at least two of the same item and they would not honor the price

  3. liam Says:

    yah same exprence every time i go there . today there was a bunch of games marked 10 dollers i get to the counter some one is haveing a problum with a mismarked item .. so some one takes me at the customer servece counter . and guess what ? mine is miss marked also .. its really 44 dollers .. i tell them i want to pay 10 as its marked so thay make me stand around for not kidding here 20 mins maniger comes over and refuses to honner the price and is verry rude i got the name and the store number and will call on it tomarrow along with sending the info the the attorny genral

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