April 11th, 2007 at 01:45 am
Stopped at a store I quite often shop for clothes at. Well tried to - it had changed names but was basically the same store (same owner, different brand, but mostly the same clothes). Found the top I wanted from the non existent store at this store (same brand and size as one I have but a different colour). Tried on a bunch of stuff and ended up getting another top I should end up getting a lot of wear from too.
Got to the cash and found that they had a buy 1 item get the second 40% off sale - so while i spent more than I planned it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be!
Posted in
pamper myself,
April 10th, 2007 at 02:59 am
I week or so I wrote to Unilever about one of their products. I summarized my note here
Text is http://yummysaves.savingadvice.com/2007/04/01/all-rightly-then-unilever_24299/ and Link is
This was their rather sad response:
Thanks for writing!
Products vary by country, and the product you have mentioned is not manufactured in Canada. Therefore, we are not able to assist you.
We will forward your request to our brand management to inform them that you would like to have this product in Canada. Consumer comments are very important to us and taken into consideration for future product development.
For more information on our products in Canada please visit : www.unilever.ca
Thanks for your interest!
Your friends at Unilever Canada
Posted in
Contacting Companies
April 9th, 2007 at 11:50 am
I'm sitting here drinking vast amounts of coffee and hoping to come fully awake soon.
Had a nice quiet easter weekend. Lots of recharging done and moved ahead on the "make a real room out of the storage bin that my second bedroom has become". Got quite a lot accomplished on that. This involves cleaning up my quilt fabric stash. Any quilters will know that a fabric stash quickly moves out of control. I have stuff today to go to goodwill as well as some things for the foodback that I forgot I put in there.
Have a card to send out today towards a memorial brick. Someone I have met a few times died after a battle with cancer. I wasn't that close to him but I'd like to contribute. I have card ready to go in the mail with a small contribution. Other than that yesterday was a no spend day which was nice.
Didn't cook ahead this weekend. Likely not a smart idea but I have a small stash of leftovers that should take me a ways into this week.
Posted in
April 8th, 2007 at 02:58 am
Despite my late start I managed to spend a good load of money today.
First stop the bank to get some cash and deposit some cheques. That done I did a Timmies stop (Tim Horton donuts) for steeped tea and a treat!
Then off for some maintenance. Had a blast at the hair place. Helped a kid decide on a style, tons of joking around with the staff and other patrons. My hair looks great - though once again I had to get the brush out as soon as I left to get rid of the dorky way she styled it. For some reason they always style it very strangely - or maybe that is normal and what I do is really strange.
Then a stop for some aesthetic services so I now have nice smooth bits was well as pretty fingers and toes.
Picked up a couple things at staples and then it was off to the Liquor store for some Beer. Easier to get to from where I was going and I get air miles there that I don't get at the Beer Store. Well they didn't have the brand of beer I wanted (they were out) so it was off to the Beer Store.
Then a quick trip to Canadian Tire to get some housewares stuff...
I'm shopped out!
Posted in
April 7th, 2007 at 05:10 pm
Every year when I pay the bill for my roadside assistance I curse it. Then I have a day like today when I need it.
After I picked up my parking pass I headed to the car in visitors parking - to find the overhead light on very very weakly, the keyless remote didn't work and the engine didn't even pretend to turn over.
After time on hold waiting for an agent (and being asked way more questions about my car than I could have dreamt of) I got told its up to 90 minutes to get someone here. So I'm sitting here waiting for them to call me to go downstairs to meet the tow truck guy.
The good news? Whenever he shows up I don't have to pay the booster dude.
Posted in
That didn't go as planned
April 7th, 2007 at 03:26 pm
Oh yeah and a $20 stupid tax for me to pay.
On Wed on the way to work I stopped and bought a coffee. After getting the coffee I tossed out an old cup. I'm 99% sure when I tossed out that cup I tossed out my parking pass. Duh.
Went into the management office on Thursday night. Old them what happened. They said I'd likely be out of luck for about a week because only Georgie (the building manager) can get a new card and it will involve "Fred" (not sure who the mysterious Fred is). They told me to put in a written request this weekend and some time next week I'd have my card. I was pretty cheerful (told them I knew I had pulled a bonehead move) and thanked them.
I haven't got around to writing the note yet as they said Georgie wasn't in until Tuesday so I figured I would do it at some point this weekend.
Fast forward to a few minutes ago. I just got a call from the office. The building secretary just called me. She pulled some strings for me and my card is ready for me. Just have a $20 non refundable "stupid tax" to pay for it.
Posted in
Random Act of Kindness (RAOK),
That didn't go as planned
April 6th, 2007 at 05:27 pm
Well at least that is how this demo-girl was acting.
I have a sip of the minute maid OJ. It is OJ. Pretty good - but OJ gives me heartburn so I don't buy it.
But I'm learning to be better finding deals and coupons for
friends/trading buddies so I ask for a coupon. Demo-girl makes me promise to buy the OJ so I say okay (while thinking not likely). With much fuss I get a 75 cent off coupon that she carefully puts on the bottle (it is a hangtag coupon thingy). I ask if I can have a second coupon. I get told well okay but only I promise to buy a second bottle. I wander down the aisle to see if they have Acid Free. They don't. Demo girl follows me down the aisle and tells me she didn't think they had it, and that I only can get the second coupon if I buy two because there aren't many of these coupons.
I go shopping. The OJ gets ditched in the cheese cooler. The coupon goes in my purse.
I stand in line to pay praying demo-girl (at the back of the store) doesn't come up to check on me.
I have heartburn all evening.
Who says finding coupons is easy?
Posted in
April 6th, 2007 at 04:47 pm
This video is absolutely riveting and has made me think about how adverting affects (or is that effects, I'm such a bad grammarian) society's values.
The video is about 1/2 an hour long. I was suprrised at how quickly the half hour went by and how interesting it was. Definitely worth the watch IMHO.
If you watch it I'd be very interested in what you thought of it.
Text is http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1993368502337678412&pr=goog-sl and Link is
Posted in
April 5th, 2007 at 11:04 pm
I'm enjoying meeting people on facebook! (Ya, know cause I really need another place to spend time online ....)
Now here's the rub. I don't as you know have a cellphone. To verify your account you need cellphone. The perils of being online and a luddite.
Posted in
That didn't go as planned
April 5th, 2007 at 10:58 pm
I'm tired. I'm happy tomorrow is a holiday here (Good Friday). Any friday one doesn't have to work is a very good day indeed.
My plan right now is to make tomorrow a no spend day. There are some things I want to do here but most of all I want to unwind and take it easy.
Posted in
April 5th, 2007 at 12:06 am
I keep thinking I should step up into the modern age and get a cell phone.
A few things so far have stopped me
1. Liking not having to be accessible to everyone all the time
2. The cost
3. The angst involed in choosing a plan (and then immediately finding a deal that would have been better)
4. Twenty years ago people who talked to themselves animatedly in public were thought to be crazy. Now they are hip and using a blue tooth. I'm too old to pass myself off as hip and I'm too young to be want to be seen as a crazy old lady.
So, so far I've stayed a luddite.
Posted in
April 4th, 2007 at 09:42 pm
I bought lunch and a few things at Whole Foods today! Even with a free product coupon for Soy Milk ($4.39 for 1.89L of Silk which was totally outrageous)the bill came to nearly $30 - OUCH. I see how it has the name Whole Paycheck! LMA0!
Posted in
April 4th, 2007 at 03:51 am
Here is a picture of the bouquet of flowers I bought myself this weekend. They have pride of place on the middle of the dining room table!
Less than 10 at the grocery store and they are supposed to last 10 days. $1 a day. Not to bad. A few bent so I have a few that are in a tiny vase on the shelf in the bathroom cheering up that room too!
(Oh and as I live in an apt I don't have the option of cutting flowers from my garden)
Posted in
pamper myself
April 4th, 2007 at 12:00 am
Got an answer about the vitamins. Glad I didn't throw them out thinking they expired in 05. Got an email from NOW (the makers of them) and they confirmed that the expiry date is 2010. They got back to me in about 24 hours - great customer service on their part!
A nice surprise and saved me some money as I didn't have to replace them.
Now I just have to start remembering to take them. Honestly, I'm better at buying them than actually remembering to take them.
Posted in
Contacting Companies
April 3rd, 2007 at 12:22 pm
No need to pack lunch today because it is potluck day. Our potlucks are a big event quite often as our entire floor gets in on it - with about 80 people I'd say! This one is an easter bonnet theme but I'm not feeling festive enough to go and buy an easter bonnet. I don't suppose a baseball cap or a beret would be a substitute?
I do have to remember to bring the stew though! It looks like it came out pretty good! We'll see how people like it!
Posted in
April 3rd, 2007 at 12:54 am
That was my question to the butcher. My signiture dish for our work potlucks is a Pot Roast. I get rave reviews and frequent requests that I make it. So I make it.
I usually get the meat on the way home from work the night before - quite often scooping a last day of sale package with some good
coupons on it to sweeten the deal.
Well there was no pot roast. None, nada, zip, zero, zilch. I had them call for an "associate" from the meat department and he assisted me. Seems there is a special on prime rib and that is all they have in right now.
Pffffft, that's not good for a pot roast, and I don't want to get workmates hooked on prime rib.
So instead I bought stewing beef and am making a meat stew just as I would as if it was a potroast ( but with smaller pieces of meat...)
Posted in
That didn't go as planned
April 2nd, 2007 at 05:02 pm
One of the things I did this weekend was clean out medicines. After I tossed a couple of items that had been expired way longer than is likely good to take them I found some vitamins (Magnesium and Calcium) that have an expiry of 05/10.
I'm not sure if they expired in 05 or will expire in 2010, so I've written to ask. I really wish that until 2013 companies would use 4 digits for the year on expiry dates.
Posted in
Contacting Companies
April 2nd, 2007 at 03:43 am
I bought some All laundry detergent a few weeks ago. Ultra concentrated and does a pretty good job on clothes. I like the small bottle because I use a laundromat and appreciate not having to lug a big bottle with me. I had some feedback to give the company about the product that was mostly positive. However I found the marking for the right amount of detergent very hard to see and wanted to comment on that and how much I liked the small bottle and how little of it you needed to wash clothes.
Looked on the bottle. All is a Unilever product. So went to the Unilever site. All is not listed there on the contact us or in the list of brands.
Went to the All site. The "contact us" page is under construction.
It took a bit of looking but I finally found a contact form that would work.
Unilever is a multi-billion dollar company and they have unfinished websites? They don't list all their brands on their contact us page? It really boggles my mind.
Posted in
Contacting Companies
April 1st, 2007 at 06:22 pm
A while ago I got annoyed my tupperware collection and tossed everything but the containers from one set (all from Superstore/Loblaws/NoFrills - no name brand that they sell 30 pieces for $10 or 6-8 of one size for $2.99).
At last I have them contained in a small area and no longer take ages to find them! As I use them for lunch everyday it makes it so much easier to do dishes - now I have an easy place to put them away after they are clean.
Little things but makes it easier to take lunch everyday and cook ahead. Also means I have more room in the cupboards as the tupperware fits in a small spot
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