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Today's Saving To Do List

August 14th, 2006 at 06:18 pm

I want to ensure I do this tonight.

1. Read info from ING and set up link with my online banking service so I can easily transfer funds.

2. Call Air Miles people and ensure they have correct information on file for me.

Up North

August 13th, 2006 at 03:17 am

Travelling up to my parents is a killer gas wise. Gas is 1.145 per litre here. Ouch. At home it was a mere 96cents when I left. Seeing that price differnce during the course of a day really hurts.

The visit is going well. Mom is frail but isn't as frail as I was worried she might be. Got a fright when they called earlier in the week and told me they found her sleeping on the floor. From what everyone can figure that is what she was doing. No signs of injury from a fall.

Dad is thinking of renting an apt rather than buying a place when he sells this house. Might make sense. He's 74 and doesn't need the fuss of maitenance and upkeep.

Didn't spend much today. Tomorrow I'll need to fill the tank for the ride home. OUCH.

Today's Raok

August 11th, 2006 at 03:49 am

Today was a frustrating enough day at work that I went and bought a coke at the convenience store. People in the couponing group I'm in are collecting coke points. For what I'm not really sure but I know I don't drink enough coke to collect them myself - hence my not bothering to check

There are frequent posts for people wanting to trade for coke PIN's. I just picked one person who has traded with me in the past and emailed her the code. I hope I helped make her evening. I know doing so perked me up.

Savings Increased

August 11th, 2006 at 03:45 am

Went in to see the financial advisor and his assistant. I so like her. She's so sweet! Always so happy to see me.

Increased my retirement savings by $200 a month. I'm feeling good. This means I'm now doing 10% of gross into retirement savings plus what I'm contributing to my work Pension Plan plus what I contribute to government retirement plan.

Note to self: Add up total contributions. This should bring me to my 15% goal if not over.

Easy Savings Update

August 10th, 2006 at 01:39 am

Looked at my current pay stub and one from a few months ago. I can be putting a significant amount aside and still be bringing home what I brought home a month ago.

I'm going to put some of it in my ING savings (for the $20 challenge) and the rest in my retirement savings account.

I ran into the girl from my investment advisors office in the lobby of the building (not a stretch seeing his office is in the lobby of the building where I work) and she's going to draw up the papers for me to add to my retirement savings tomorrow! Thank goodness I ran into her. This way I can't put it off. I like putting things off - I figure I must enjoy it or I'd stop doing it right?

Spendy Day

August 10th, 2006 at 01:16 am

Didn't plan for it to be a spendy day. Rejoined weight watchers. I have lot of weight to watch. I bought a 12 week membership. I need to get serious about losing. A 12 week membership is 3 months. I am hoping to lose 20lbs. It would be great to lose 20lbs in the next three months.

Bought the cat his condo. I ended up getting $5 off the price! Woo hoo! I'm not sure what she did but it worked for me regardless. Being a regular and bringing your cat in occassionly is a good way to make friends at the pet store.

Easy Savings (written to remind me to do this)

August 9th, 2006 at 04:01 am

In july my promotion came through finally and with it a raise.

I am writing this here so I remember to do this. Check current pay stub at work. Note amount. Check pre raise pay stub at work. Note amount.

Calculate difference in those amounts, and make sure to put that into savings every pay. This is easy savings. Didn't have this money before so might as well save it now I have it. Live on what I had, use the rest to make my future better.

Put 1/2 of this into retirement accounts. Put other 1/2 into general savings.

Forgot my Wallet

August 9th, 2006 at 02:19 am

Left my wallet at work (deep in the side drawer, so I'm not worrying too much).

Picked up the cat from the Boarding Kennel. Poor thing had to pull him out of this tiny "kitty condo" he was curled up in. They told me he loved this condo and they had to work to get him out of it. Visited with them a short while before leaving.

On the way home I went to Petvalu to check out kitty condo's. Of course I brought Mao in there with me - they always worship him nicely when I bring him there.

Checked out the kitty condo, one just like he was sleeping in. She'll give it to me tomorrow (after 6pm when the boss has gone) for $3 off the sticker price.

Forgetting the wallet can be a good thing savings wise Smile

Buying stuff is hard

August 8th, 2006 at 01:17 am

Companies keep saying how customer focussed they are. I really wish they'd shut up about it and start giving us better service.

After driving an hour with my XM radio and getting none of the services I had payed a year in advance for last night I was a wee bit annoyed.

Called customer service (full marks for having a 1-800 and giving me the numbers and not making me figure out what number goes with what letter). Got voice mail jail (deduct all marks for the 1-800 number). The voice recognition software didn't like me. Figures. Finally identified myself. FINALLY figured out how to get transfered to a human. Why can't companies get that we want to deal with people when we phone not with Silicone Sally (and frankly if they do make us deal with her shouldn't we get a choise of her or Silicone Scott?

Had the pleasure of reidentifying myself to said human. She was helpful, but did put me on hold with the obligatory music.

About 10 minutes on the phone, and within 15 minutes after the call I had my service working. I love it. Worked like a charm and I enjoyed it on my ride today (a six hour ride turned into 8 thanks to this being the middle of construction season)

I'm thinking I'm soon going to have to join a no spend challenge just to get a break from the trials of being a consumer.

They wouldn't be would they?

August 7th, 2006 at 03:08 am

I ran into a retailer today who didn't have the product I wanted in stock. Talking to a friend tonight she has seen aother product there - one that is very well priced, that she'd like to buy.

Of course its out of stock - at least online.

She used the words "bait and switch". Strong words but it does make one wonder.

Bought the Radio

August 7th, 2006 at 02:39 am

Sometimes I'm amazed at how hard it is to buy something. We went to Best Buy to look at an XM radio and I was ready to buy. Too bad they didn't have it in stock. Too bad the salesman waited until after I told him I wanted that item installed today to tell me he didn't have it in stock. After this announcement (and the salesman's silly smirk that accompanied it) I left.

Snr execs at Best Buy should take note. It's annoyances like this that drive consumers to take their money to a competitor. If your bottom line is hurting it is partly due to incidents like this one.

We drove up the road to Circuit City. I was able to buy it there for $10 more (including installation). The other one may have been a slightly better deal but without actually having the product it was no better than a mirage for my purposes.

I'm happy though, I have my radio, they did a nice job installing it and I've paid for a year of service. This will help make my drive tomorrow a lot nicer!

Satellite Radio

August 6th, 2006 at 04:30 pm

I'm still in the middle of contemplating whether to get satellite radio (yeah yeah so much for being frugal). My car radio is on the fritz. I drive so much a radio in the car is not optional. The car radio on the fritz is what is prompting this.

The cost of the unit is pretty comparable (spend as much as you want for the toys you want), but there is a subscription cost. I'm not so fond of that part of it. However it would be nice to have no huge reception issues.

Looking at both services I'm more interested in XM radio than Sirus

body polish

August 5th, 2006 at 04:27 pm

I had one of these at the spa - it was wonderful and my skin felt so soft after - for days! At the spa I went to this cost me about $60. This was much much cheaper. Bought the moisturizer and scrub on sale for about $6 total but they last for more than one of these.. maybe cost of each in materials is actually $1 and could be less.

Did one myself this morning. A home done body polish - all you need is body scrub and moisturizer - and a working shower - not sure this would be quite the same if you had a bathtub with no shower.

Set the shower going at a warm but not hot temperature. Before I got into the shower I slathered myself with a nice smelling body polish/scrub. All over, pretty much every place I could reach - had fun getting *that* spot on my back!! Remembered my feet.

Then into the shower (carefully as I had slathered feet) to clean it off and shower etc.

After the shower I dried myself off and then slathered myself in some body lotion!

I feel soft right now! I want to do one of these every week - right now I think I'm managing to do about one a week.


August 5th, 2006 at 02:21 pm

The walmart sampling site once again as a sample for free deoderant. Not the same free sample for deodorant as they had there yesterday.

This leads me to wonder, is it possible to get ample deodorant and never pay a dime for it?

Yanno, I think I just haven't been working the sales/samples/giveaways as well as I could.


Hang on the last deodorant I got was free with the razor (on deep discount) I use.

Hmm.. when did I last buy this product anyways?

Why am I frugal

August 5th, 2006 at 02:06 pm

I've been doing lots of things more frugally lately for the following reasons

1. To Save up for retirement
2. To Save for big purchases and so I can enjoy them without debt
3. To establish a solid emergency fund.
4. To control my money. I want to decide where I spend it - not just happen to spend it. I want to get maximum bang for the buck.

Thanks to having spent time paying off debt I now enjoy good cash flow. I want to ensure that for my future while having fun today. I don't think being frugal is about denying myself so much as controlling what i spend and ensuring I spend it in ways that get me where I want to be. Balancing the short term "I wants" with the longer term "I want/need".

And I'm enjoying it. I'm lucky that for me it isn't about being deprived of things. I choose not to do certain things so in the future I can do other things.

Farmers Market and more info than you needed about my making pies

August 5th, 2006 at 05:22 am

Checked out a local farmers' market today. This market actually had farmers at it. I found that noteworthy - I've been to some farmers' markets who have people selling stuff who go to the food terminal and who actually don't grow the food!

Bought some local apples, green beans, a tomato, chives, portabello mushrooms, and some locally grown raspberries that were frozen. Prices were good. Quality was excellent.

I got home and made a pie. Pie frustrates me. Causes much swearing angst and mess. I go through this everytime I make a pie. I swear, I scream and I act unlady like as curse it. I know I should just give in and buy one but pie is best home made. I warn my boyfriend and he makes sure to get out of harms way as he enjoys me fight with the dough.

But dang it, I do end up with good pies every time. Flakey light crust, tasty apple raspberry filling - a bit tart with a nice bite. I was happy with the result.

I might have saved $1 by making it rather than buying it. However its not really about being frugal, its about good pie! Good pie means homemade pie crust!


August 4th, 2006 at 01:51 pm

Today should be nice, though definitely not a no spend day.

Headed up to Sheetz to get a coffee this morning. This was the first morning I had to pay for a coffee. I now have a free one for tomorrow but its going to be a while until I buy enough coffees for more free coffee. Oh well, I love the stuff, and don't buy it cause of the coffee card program - but it is a nice bonus!

The boyfriend is heading home for lunch so I'm going to have to figure out what to make for that. Then this afternoon I'm going to head out to a local farmers market to pick up some fresh produce! A friend is coming over tonight and I'm hoping to make a curry full of fresh veggies!

I want to buy a swimsuit - one I have is old and while fitting its not fitting well. The other one has issues with the spandex coming out. I likely should go and see if any are on sale, but I bet they have been turfed out in favour of the back to school clothes.


August 3rd, 2006 at 09:20 pm

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day, and it did start out that way with a wonderful massage from a friend who is trained in massage.

Then it was on to a nice meal at Eat'n'Park where for the first time I was dissapointed with their salad bar. Come on folks - its lunch time, keep it stocked and tidy. The restaurant wasn't that busy. Spoke to the manager rather than wait til I was home to send an email. She apologized, spend time helping her staffer clean kit up and then came and apologized again.

Then home. No mail when I got home. But 1/2 hour later went to the box and found a "sorry you weren't home card". Tried phoning USPS - who have incredibly annoyin g voice mail jail btw. Ended up going to the post office. Of course the package was on the truck so they didn't have it to give to me. ARRG. Told them what happened and was given a number to call.

Now this is where it got surprising. Called the number and actually got handed over that the letter carrier who chose not to deliver it. She explained why, and I understood that - not happy but I understand. However I also explained that I expected delivery as I was home and how did we accomplish that. She gave me directions to where she was and I was able to pick up the parcel (and while I was doing that I managed to hold up a postal truck trying to back into the loading dock by parking in its way - a bit of devine and unplanned retribution on my part Smile)

Got the package. Woo Hoo. Talked some more to the letter carrier and said that when we are expecting something and home we'll let her know via a note in the mailbox - or we'll let her know to drop it off at one of the businesses below the BF's apt. Both of us were happy at this solution for the future.

Then found out that the order I placed for something bounced (if you tried to email me and it didn't go through please try again). I spoke to them. Got the order sorted out. Found out the problem. They called me back. Anyway, they should be shipping today.

What a day. Has turned out to be busy busy, and more stressful than expected.

No spend day!

August 3rd, 2006 at 03:11 am

Thanks to the free coffee this morning today was a no spend day! Yeah!

Did order something online now I think of it but I'm not counting that until they bill more for it - I need to have confirmation of the shipping before I can know how much its going to be.

Free Coffee - Nice Start to the Day!

August 2nd, 2006 at 01:17 pm

I walked up to get a coffee this morning in my normal half asleep state.

It hardly can be called a cup of coffee. The extra large, which I buy, is better described as a vat! Makes it easy most days to stick to having only one cup a day!

Fixed my coffee, went to the counter handed her money and my coffee card not realising that I was due a free coffee. Had the money handed back to me and was wished a nice day.

Usually I don't get surprised by being owned a free coffee. This made a very nice start to the day!

Hair Dye

August 2nd, 2006 at 04:11 am

Having hair that seems to hate holding colour - red especially, I was in the market for a new colour today!

Checked out the Rite-Aid flyer - Preference on for 6.99. That seemed like a nice price. Checked my coupons. Had a buy 2 get $5 off coupon.

Regular price about 9.70 each, so with the sale and the coupon I ended up with a B1G1 deal.

So, I'm a happy camper. Lets just see if this medium brown colour works. The dark auburn brown had faded to light reddish brown, so this is nice and dark. Let's see if this lasts at all.

Starting the $20 Challenge - Finally

July 24th, 2006 at 04:15 am

Until I had a savings account I didn't want to start this challange.

Thanks to junk mail ING just mailed me an application form along with a voucher for a $13 bonus.

So I filled it out, wrote out a cheque for $100 and its going in the mail in them morning.

Therefore I officially start the $20 challenge with $113

Let the savings begin!

2006 $20 Challenge - $113

Oh man this could be my to - do list

July 24th, 2006 at 01:04 am

I have had a 35 item to do list today! I'm proud to say that of the 35 items I'm down to a mere 10 left to do! Actually I'm pretty happy about how I'm doing on this list. Vacation nights are booked, the triptiks are printed from AA and I've even clipped coupons for some fast food places - I'll make sure I have those with me.

Anyways, during some searching I found this. Honest I didn't create it Smile

Price Matching (check your bill)

July 23rd, 2006 at 11:07 pm

One of the grocery stores here had a deal for Stouffers Skillet Sensations. $2.99 this saturday and sunday only. These make two meals and as such are comparable to 2 lean cuisines - so I decided this was a good price and worth stocking up.

On saturday I bought 6 and today decided I want more. With crappy weather and other things to get at walmart I decided to price match. No problem. Cashier was helpful and friendly.

But I'm glad I checked my receipt. Turned out she hadn't voided one of them, so I got charged an extra 4.95. Thank goodness I checked the bill before I left the store so a quick (I use the term loosely) trip to customer service to get a refund. I got the refund but it was a bit hard going trying to explain it the the clerk.

Shoes, shoes and more shoes

July 22nd, 2006 at 11:27 pm

Normally I don't buy shoes. Even if I go into a shoe store I normally walk out empty handed.

Today I bought four pairs of shoes. Ouchies! All were on sale but none were cheap - one pair of Cougar sandals, a pair of naturalizer heels, a pair of hush puppy heels and a pair of not sure who made them shoes!

OMG I'm offically getting OLD. I bought naturalizers

I'm a bit happier. The $50 for that pair of shoes wasn't a bad price compared to a few places I just saw on the web. And they are super comfie. But they better be.

The Hush puppies aren't too old lady like either

Ooh the price I paid for those is less than on the web too! I'm feeling happier now.

Markdown Coupons

July 22nd, 2006 at 03:35 pm

Last couple of shopping visits I've managed to save nicely using coupons that the supermarket has placed on items to get them to go before the best before date. 2 packages of certified angus beef both about $8 less the $5 worth of coupons on them. One steak is in the freezer the other made 3 very tasty meals.

Yesterday morning I wanted to take treats to work. We are moving our work area from one floor to the other and it seemed a good time to bring in something. I was going to buy some regular priced bakery treats when I realised all items on the markdown rack were $1 off and that most expired not that day but the day after - trust me at my office there is no chance of goodies lasting more than a few hours. I found three items I wanted on the markdown shelves although one didn't have a sticker on it. A quick walk back to the bakery counter to ask about it and quick as a wink that item too had a sticker! No fuss or anything from the clerk!

Weird coupon wording (anti-train/trade)

July 20th, 2006 at 04:03 am

I sent away for the Herbal Essence sample a while back. Got the sample - cute one - nice for a weekend away. I so like the trial sizes so much more than the little annoying foil packages.

I took the coupon out of it and looked at it. Noticed this wording "Coupon void if transferred to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption"

So what do they have against coupon trains anyways? I hope this is just a snarly markting person and not a trend.

The coupon doesn't have my name or any other information that I'm aware of. So what's the big deal with trading anyways?

Lunch with the Gang at Work - So Not Frugal

July 11th, 2006 at 04:52 am

Today we ordered pizza in at the office. Seemed like a good idea since there was a thunderstorm outsidde.

I had 2 slices of pizza. Cost me $10. $8 toward the pizza and $2 for lottery tickets. No I don't quite get the lottery ticket part either - something about getting tickets as it was easier than giving change. The pizza was good but at $5 a slice hardly a deal. If I ate more I'd have been eating more for the sake of it.

And 2 weeks ago. Lunch out to say goodbye to a coworker who is leaving. I put in $20 for my lunch and my portion of her lunch. I had a BLT and coke. Hardly near $20 even with tip, tax and the lunch contribution. No change given back.

I like doing things that add to the team spirit etc. But these last two experiences have been pricy.

Didn't buy today - but that was good

July 8th, 2006 at 12:38 am

I stopped at a local drug store chain to pick up some items on sale I had coupons for - foil and some sponges/scrubby things.

Found the foil, and honestly couldn't remember if I needed it or I was buying to stock up. Never did find the scrubby things.

So I saved a bit of money and walked out of there empty handed.

I need to spend some time thinking about stocking up and how much of it really makes sense for me to do. I don't want, if something should happen, for people to find a 5 year supply of foil and toilet paper. I decent supply is one thing.

Anyways, today I didn't stock up. It wsn't a bad thing. Sales will come again and I'll be more focussed on buying because I need something and not because it is a good deal.

Feeling Better - Low Spend Day

July 7th, 2006 at 12:18 am

My total spending was under $2 - bread from the local "rip off" corner store. But I wasn't up to walking further to get some. And I wanted toast.

Definitely is food poisioning that I had last night. Feeling hung over but otherwise okay today. Was going to go into work but realised I wasn't up to it.Not sleeping most of the night and being ill takes it out of one. I phoned in twice (once to say I'd be in late, and once to say I'm not coming in) and got sympathy rather than anyone upset at me.

I've been putzing around doing some tidying up. Have been really taking it easy but it is surprising how doing 5 minutes here and there and picking up a few things and putting them away (or in the garbage) when I get up adds up after a few hours of doing so.

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